Guidelines in Choosing the Best Cellulite Treatment

People in different ages and gender around the world suffer from the problem of having cellulite. This is a mass of fat that are stored underneath the skin that makes it look like cottage cheese. These unwanted fats are mostly seen on hips, thighs, legs, stomach, arms and buttocks. Formation of cellulite is caused due to many reasons and good thing there are many ways to get rid of it.

cellulite treatment

The first thing that you should do in getting rid of cellulite is seeing first your doctor, cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist. Discuss the treatment you want and you can even ask them what option is best suited for your age and extent of severity. There are two major types of treatment for cellulite, the surgical and non-surgical treatments.


One of the popular surgical ways of reducing cellulite is Liposuction. This treatment is done by inserting a tunnelling rod with the rounded tip into the fat cells that will break them up. This treatment must be done by a specialized and registered practitioner for safety purposes. Another popular cellulite treatment that is non-surgical is Endermologie.


This cellulite treatment doesn’t involve needles or rods only automatic roller that massages the affected area under the supervision of a specialist. This treatment is usually done twice a week for at least 30 to 40 minutes for eight weeks. By simply massaging the affected area, it increases the blood flow and hence stops accumulation of fat. The only con of this treatment is the darkening and bruising of spider veins.


Nowadays a new technique has been discovered in getting rid of cellulite fast and that is Laser lipolisis. This is done by inserting a fiber-optic laser through a tiny incision that targets the body fat. By doing this, more than 500 grams of fat gets absorbed and gets excreted as waste. Do you know that aside from these treatments, there are natural ways of preventing and reducing cellulite?


The best natural way of reducing cellulite is simply reducing the day to day stress in life. Stress is the main contributor of cellulite formation because stress releases adrenaline in the body that results to reduced toxic elimination and poor blood circulation to the skin. This is the reason why people who are always stressed out are prone of having cellulite.


Reducing cellulite is really a tough job that can’t be done overnight. You must have all the patience and money as well to get rid of it fast. One of the best natural ways to get rid of cellulite affordably is doing some exercises regularly. It is believed that the more muscles you build, the lesser the cellulite will be.


In selecting a cellulite reduction treatment for you, Dr. Brian Evans suggests that you really need to make a wise choice to achieve best results. You don’t want to end up wasting all your hard earned money, time and effort. Take time to research about the different cellulite treatments to help you decide depending on your lifestyle, budget and severity of the condition.


Consult Dr. Brian Evans MD if you are looking for Cellulite Treatment guidance.

Services provided by Brian Evans Plastic Surgery include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features and breasts, surgical body sculpting procedures, stem cell therapy, surgery for skin cancer and wound care surgery. Call (818) 676-4001 for the best consultation today!

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