Mommy Makeover – Body Rejuvenation after Child Birth

It’s no secret that pregnancy can wreak havoc on a woman’s body, particularly in form of loose muscles in the abdomen, excess skin, stretch marks and drooping breasts. Some women get back into their pre-baby body shape with a bit of exercise, but others are not so lucky and continue to struggle with returning their bodies and slipping back into those tight fit denims.

Mommy Makeover

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to get rid of unwanted physical effects of childbearing and get the post-body body back to the way it was before pregnancy.

This is where mommy makeover comes and does wonder. A mommy makeover procedure is performed on a postpartum body part in order to reshape it to give it a more pleasing aesthetic look and enhance the new mom’s sense of self-confidence.


What is a Mommy Makeover?


Mommy Makeover is a surgical package that consists of various cosmetic and plastic procedures especially designed to rejuvenate the post-pregnancy body parts and give new mommies back their pre-pregnancy body figure.

The plastic surgery procedures most often chosen by new moms are breast surgeries-augmentation and uplift of breasts; tummy tuck, liposuction and Brazilian butt lifts. These procedures are customized based on individual needs of a woman patient.


Following are explained some most common procedures new moms often choose to recover their post-pregnancy body to its original shape.


Breast Augmentation: This procedure helps to enlarge a breast that has become small after child-birth. A silicone gel or saline-filled implant is placed under the breast muscle to add more volume to the breasts and enhance perkiness of the breast.


Breast Lift: This surgery is done to tighten the drooping and sagging breasts. The peri areolar lift, circumareolar lift, vertical lift, wise mastopexy are the breast lift surgery techniques a surgeon can choose in order to help you achieve the best possible results.


Abdominoplasty: More commonly known as a tummy tuck it helps a new mom achieve a flatter and toned abdomen after pregnancy. This kind of surgery also removes all stretch marks below the belly button.


Liposuction: This surgery is helpful for women who after having children accumulate unwanted fat in thighs, hips, the waist, on the sides of their breasts, under their armpits and abdomen. Liposuction removes fatty deposits and brings improvement in the contour of the body. This makeover surgery can be done in conjunction with a tummy tuck or breast reduction to get the better results.


Vaginal Rejuvenation: Child birth affects the genital area of a woman in many ways. Many women desire a vaginal rejuvenation to enhance the genital aesthetics and sexual function. Vaginal tightening, labioplasty, fat grafting of labia majora and pubic lift are some popular options in vaginal rejuvenation.


Face Lift: The sleepless nights and parenting stress may have taken a toll on your facial appearance. Face lift surgery may diminish the lines and wrinkles around your eyes and across the forehead. This operation is done to rejuvenate your face by removing the excess of loose, sagging skin of the cheeks and neck.


Getting Cosmetic Surgery is a more affordable option to beautify your physical appearance, and gain self-confidence. Also, Mommy Makeover Surgery could be the best way to pamper yourself post delivery at a price you can afford.


Dr. Brian Evans is a plastic surgeon in West Hills, California and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center and San Joaquin Community Hospital.

If you are considering a Mommy Makeover procedure, Brian Evans MD of Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates is a rare and uniquely qualified plastic surgeon whose private medical practice has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient. Contact our plastic surgery center 818-665-3585 in West Hills Hosptial & Medical center today for further information about tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) procedures.

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