What Causes Forehead Wrinkles And How To Get Rid Of Them? Ask Dr. Brian Evans

Wrinkles can be compared to an illness that no one would want to contract for the same reason that no one wants to grow old fast or age prematurely. Forehead wrinkles make the aging process seem obvious because they make the face look older and unattractive. Some people would practically do anything just to retain their youthful appearance.

What causes wrinkles? Aging is the primary cause of wrinkles. As we age, collagen production becomes scarce and even shreds off our skin making it less elastic and less flexible. Aside from the natural process of aging, unhealthy lifestyle like poor diet, vices as well as stress also contribute to wrinkles formation. Free radicals, pollutants and other harmful toxins cause terrible damage to the skin. Smoking, drinking and eating fatty foods wreak havoc to the skin damaging its natural tone and quality. Stress, on the other hand, causes the hormone cortisol to be secreted in higher levels causing skin’s collagen to collapse. Thus, wrinkles formation is equated to high levels of stress experienced by a person.


While the causes of wrinkles are natural and to some extent unavoidable, there are preventive measures and effective treatments or medical procedures that can erase the signs of aging and bring back the clock.


First on the long list is the traditional surgical face lift. Notwithstanding the fading popularity of this type of treatment because of the huge amount of investment involved, it still remains an option for some people. Aside from being the most expensive, this type is also the most risky. This surgical procedure is designed to erase the most obvious evidences of aging by draining excess fats, tightening the muscles beneath the affected skin and removing sagging skin. A perfect facelift can take five to ten years off your actual age and make you more attractive.


Botulinum toxin type A, a type of toxin and a prescriptive medicine popularly known as Botox can flatten out wrinkles that appear in the face when we smile or frown. Once injected into the muscle of the skin, it improves the look of moderate to severe frown lines. It is perfectly suitable for forehead wrinkles and lines around the eyes.


Laser resurfacing is a relatively new treatment for reducing facial wrinkles and other skin irregularities, such as acne scars and blemishes. The lasers used could be carbon dioxide or erbium, and which remove thin layers of the skin with minimal heat damage to the surrounding structures. Recovery time from this procedure is up to two weeks.


Creams, gels and beauty treatments may help tighten the skin. However, there is no scientific proof that these work. These can be used as moisturizer to lock in the moisture in our skin and prevent dryness.
Eating healthy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables are also vital to a proactive approach in wrinkle prevention. Fibers from these foods will help eliminate toxins from the body, resulting to a glowing skin.


With a combination of any of these available treatments and preventive measures, we can say goodbye to forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. It is best to start young and be proactive, though. The saying which goes “”an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”” applies to wrinkle management.


Dr. Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Clinic has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient.
He aims to increase the confidence of patients and to improve their appearance by performing procedures of a high standard. A thorough first consultation is scheduled to understand the requirements of patients before procedures are performed. Services provided by Brian Evans MD include the surgical reshaping or augmentation of facial features and breasts, surgical body sculpting procedures, stem cell therapy, surgery for skin cancer and wound care surgery.
For more details, please visit: https://www.fixr.com/sp.brian-evans-plastic-surgery.html