The Criteria Discussed by Dr. Brian Evans for a Good Rhinoplasty Patient

Dr. Brian Evans is a Board-certified plastic surgeon whose private medical practice has been divided between cosmetic and reconstructive surgery and the care of the burn-injured patient. Dr. Evans is currently a surgeon at the renowned Grossman Burn Centers at West Hills Hospital in West Hills, CA. Here is what his experience tells us about Rhinoplasty Surgery:


Patient’s Personal Checklists: Am I a Good Candidate?

If you want to ensure that you attain success at the end of your nose surgery, it is important that you first assess yourself if you are the right patient. If you are unaware of what your odds are about the outcome of the procedure. So read on and see how you fare so far. This way you can also arm yourself with the right questions when you go for a consult.


Patient must be generally healthy. The moment that you think about having your body sliced open for elective purposes, you must assess if it is healthy enough to withstand that and recover from it. If you think that you have a rather questionable lifestyle, see to it that you try to manage this first and get your body healthy to sustain the healing process, creating better chances for a successful result.


Patient must not have any pre-existing conditions (e.g. cardiac anomalies, pulmonary problems and clotting disorders). Any pre-existing disorder can pose a serious risk for you during and after rhinoplasty surgery. That is why, if you are well aware of this, you need to disclose this to your surgeon. This will also allow him to work collaboratively with your primary care physician, so that they can come with a surgical plan that just might work for you.


Patient should not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages at least 4 weeks before the surgery. If you are a habitual smoker or alcoholic drinker, it would be good for you if you lay off these things weeks before surgery. This is not to punish you, but rather to prevent any complication. Alcohol can increase your tolerance for anesthesia, which is not good. Nicotine, on the other hand, can deplete the oxygen content of your blood, which impairs the healing process. These two can put you at risk for a poor outcome and sometimes even serious complications.


Patient must inform any maintenance medication he/she is taking. There is nothing wrong if you are taking maintenance medications. You just have to disclose everything to your surgeon, so that he can take the proper precautions. This is also important because maintenance drugs could react negatively to anesthesia, or it could impair your ability to heal properly.

Patient must have realistic expectations. Those who undergo surgery should have achievable goals in mind. If you are looking for perfection, then with all honesty, rhinoplasty may not be right for you. Yes it does provide excellent outcome, but this surgery also has limitations. And it takes a good amount of time to heal before final results can be actualized. By that, it can run from months to a year. But don’t think that it will cause you to just hide and recuperate that long. What this means is that, there will be minor issues which takes more time to go away than others.

Patient must not have any personality disorders. Doctors would not clear any patient for any cosmetic enhancement if they are diagnosed with personality issues (e.g. body dysmorphic disorder).


Patient must be financially able to afford the procedure. Quality rhinoplasty surgery can send a person back thousands of dollars. In fact, nose job cost in Sydney and Melbourne is around $8000, and a revision would run around $10000. So make sure that you have adequate budget, not only to afford the surgery itself, but other incidental expenses as well.

However some rhinoplasty surgeries are covered by insurance, but granted that there is a medical cause behind it, such as a deviated septum.


At Brian Evans MD in West Hills Hosptial & Medical center, Dr. Brian Evans performs rhinoplasty procedure for cosmetic enhancement and also to correct breathing difficulties associated with a deviated septum. If you feel your nose is crooked, too large, too wide, or if you would like to get rid of a bump or raise a droopy tip, our Brian Evans Plastic Surgery center can help. During a rhinoplasty procedure, we will sculpt and shape the nose, contouring both the cartilage and bone until we reach optimum size and shape.

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