Forehead Lift and Brow Lift Surgery @ Dr. Brian Evans

Plastic surgery has become more and more a staple of our culture in the United States. We see it in the celebrities we watch in movies and on TV. We even see TV shows dedicated to plastic surgery, such as Nip/Tuck. The popularity of these cosmetic surgeries has surged into the twenty-first century and at the fore-front of this wave is the ever-popular face or forehead lift. Forehead Lift

People who have deep frown lines or worry lines across their forehead can use a number of different cosmetic procedures. One that can be done is a brow lift or forehead lift. In this procedure, the skin of the forehead is literally lifted, making the eyebrows higher and tightening the skin. The result can be a younger looking face. But there can be complications as well, so it is essential to do your research if you are considering this.


During a brow lift, your hair will be tied back, and may be trimmed at the hairline. The incisions are made either in front of the hairline or at the temples. In a conventional forehead lift, excess skin is removed, and what remains is lifted, and then sutured into place. A brow lift can also be done endoscopically, using a thin tube with a tiny camera attached to it. This camera is inserted under the skin, so the surgeon can watch what is going on during the procedure without making as large an incision.


The typical candidate for a forehead lift is a man or woman over the age of 40, who has drooping eyebrows, sagging skin on the forehead, or a lot of deep wrinkles on the forehead. A brow lift can help enhance the appearance, making the eyes look larger and the face look younger. But there are risks to consider. Potential complications include infection and nerve damage. This is also done under anesthesia, so there is that to consider.

It’s also important that after a brow lift, you try to minimize scowling, frowning or furrowing your brow. These are the facial expressions that created the problem in the first place, and they can un-do the changes made by your cosmetic surgery.


Visit Brian Evans Plastic Surgery Beverly Hills in California where surgical and non surgical cosmetic procedures are offered by a qualified and experienced Board certified plastic surgeon. Brian Evans MD aims to increase the confidence of patients and to improve their appearance by performing procedures of a high standard.


Call today 818-665-3585

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